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Little owl box user's gallery page

I have finally got round to putting the pictures, captured by yourselves, onto the site. Many showed no little owls, so have been deleted, and most were anonymous; however, where a name was given, it is shown below the relevant picture.

Anonymous - 18/5/2009 Anonymous - 24/5/2009 Adrian, Gloucester - 28/5/2009
Anonymous - 29/5/2009 Anonymous - 30/5/2009 Anonymous - 30/5/2009
Anonymous - 30/5/2009 Anonymous - 31/5/2009 Anonymous - 26/6/2009
Anonymous - 3/7/2009 Anonymous - 11/12/2009 Mal Clarke, Chilbolton, Hampshire - 22/3/2010
Anonymous, New York - 2/8/2010 - -

To return to the Little Owl Box homepage, click here.

To see the twelve most recent pictures of the box, click here.

If you are interested in the camera that took the photographs on this page, click here.

You are visitor number 911 to this page, which became live on 27/12/10.